
让别人听到你的声音! 社区的对话 is a signature event organized by the Office of 机构股票 & 多样性. 这些积极主动的对话是你的声音被听到的地方! 我们正在建立一个包容的社区,一次一个对话.

10月26日, 《bet8体育娱乐入口》的作者希瑟·麦吉向140多名学生发表了讲话, 教职员工, Sentara 健康care的同事们, 和社区成员讨论正义的交叉点, 歧视, 实际的变化, 以及来自共同努力的强大增长.

The Sum of Us follows Heather McGhee on a cross-country journey as she explores the origins of economic inequality in America. 一路上,她遇到了许多向她倾诉失去家园的人, 他们的梦想, 以及他们获得更好工作的机会与美国种族主义和贪婪的有毒混合物. Despite this, McGhee offers hope and an empathetic view into a multicultural America.

She was hosted by the Office of 机构股票 and 多样性 as part of our 社区的对话 series, held in conjunction with the 君主包容性卓越工作组 and Sentara 健康care's Employee Resource Groups.


纪念黑人历史月, 机构公平和多样性办公室主办了“黑人疲劳:抵制”, 坚持, 和繁荣”,这是其正在进行的社区对话系列的一部分. This student-centered program highlighted the ways racism impacts the mental health of students of color and discussed how social media perpetuates trauma in the lives of Black and Brown students. 2月8日, 2023, a panel provided students with culturally competent ways to manage their mental well-being, 设定健康界限的方法, 了解他们的基线(诱因/创伤).


  • Dr. LaConda Fanning,主任|研究生医学教育| EVMS
  • Dr. Cassie Glenn,助理教授,主任|临床心理学,YR²实验室| ODU
  • Dr. Darylnet little,主任|学生健康| ODU
  • Dr. 大卫·泰勒,教授|社会学与刑事司法|汉普顿大学

11月10日举行, 2022, 由机构公平和多样性办公室赞助, 艺术与文学学院, 英语系, 以及诺福克州立大学bet8九州登录入口和多样性办公室, “这是Tsenacomoco”强调了波瓦坦人民的土著文化, a once mighty confederacy of Native American tribes whose territory was much of Eastern Virginia, 包括俄勒冈州立大学和纽约州立大学今天所在的土地. The purpose of the presentation and panel discussion was to bring awareness to the rich histories of this land, 向原居民致敬, 并认识到他们与土地的持久关系. It was also an opportunity for us to strategize on becoming responsive to the needs of our Indigenous communities. 目前, members of ODU and NSU are working to establish a land acknowledgement for use on each campus.


  • Dr. Drew Lopenzina教授|英语| ODU
  • 科尔Matheson
  • 海莉·霍姆斯,弗吉尼亚部落教育联盟项目经理
  • 卡拉·卡纳迪,弗吉尼亚部落教育联盟首席执行官
  • Dr. 劳伦·艾希勒,讲师|哲学 & 宗教研究| ODU
  • Dr. 安德鲁·费希尔副教授|历史|威廉 & 玛丽
  • 基思·安德森,南塞蒙德印第安部落酋长


2月23日, 2022 a virtual CommUNITY Conversation was held that focused on 使非裔美国人的医疗保健公平可见. This conversation was co-sponsored by the Office of 机构股票 and 多样性, 总统包容性卓越工作小组, 东弗吉尼亚医学院和美国红十字会.


  • Dr. LaConda Fanning,主任|研究生医学教育| EVMS
  • Dr. 珍妮丝·霍金斯,临床副教授| ODU护理学院
  • 牧师. H. 帕特里克·卡森,伯大尼浸信会主任牧师(弗吉尼亚州切萨皮克)
  • Iris Lundy,主任,健康公平高级总监|Sentara| ODU校友
  • 凯蒂·尼霍夫,美国红十字会执行董事



欢迎来到社区对话2.0! This podcast series was created to continue conversations beyond the month of recognition and/or observance.


股本博士. 路易莎·伊格洛里亚垂直


This episode features Virginia's Poet Laureate Emeritus 和ODU Professor of Creative Writing Dr. 路易莎·伊格洛里亚和她的女儿加布里埃拉·伊格洛里亚, 菲裔美国学生协会(FASA)的资深主席. They spoke with us about the long history and continued pattern of racism and violence against Asian Americans across the country, 社会正义的交叉性, 以及刻板印象错误地传达身份的方式.




我们第一集的特色是美国历史学家Dr. Camilla Townsend who serves as the Distinguished Professor of 历史 at Rutgers University. 她写了《bet8九州登录入口》, in which she explores the complexity of the history of the Aztecs based solely on the texts written by the indigenous people themselves and through the lens of Aztec women. Dr. 汤森接受了我们自己的医生的采访. Angelica Huizar和Veleka Gatling.




周二, 3月8日, the Office of 机构股票 and 多样性 and the 君主包容性卓越工作组 hosted 多样性 Dialogue Day, 由弗吉尼亚包容性社区中心(VCIC)创建的项目. 60 students and educators from 6 high schools across the Tidewater region came together to participate in workshops focusing on "Stopping Stereotypes in 学校."

这一天以ODU自己的蓝色巨人的来访开始, 跳舞, 并在学生们进入韦伯中心时与他们合影留念. A representative from the Office of 入学s extended a welcome to the campus and provided information on why ODU should be their university of choice. 作为合作伙伴, Paula Miller from Dominion Energy also welcomed the group and explained the importance of this type of programming to the workforce.

由代表潮水社区学院的辅导员带领, 是基督教女青年会, 和ODU, students participated in activities that challenged them to think critically about their own environments and where they see stereotypes show up in their schools. 在分组讨论组中, students were asked to identify situations in which they or someone they knew had been left out, 被排除在外, 或者因为刻板印象而受到歧视. 这引发了一场围绕旁观者的讨论, 支持者, 和盟友, 三者之间的区别, 以及他们如何创建一个由反抗者和盟友组成的社区. 在一天结束的时候, students came back to the North Cafe to share what they learned and to devise an action plan for their respective schools.

Two members of the 君主包容性卓越工作组, served as group facilitators: Dr. 盐川光江和克里斯蒂娜·利普玛. The task force is a group of highly skilled 教职员工 who work together to advance diversity, 股本, 以及校园社区各个方面的包容性. “这些学生的热情给我留下了深刻的印象, 他们对刻板印象和多样性的看法丰富, 以及他们分享变革所需要的行动的方式,”博士说。. Shiokawa. 作为一名前初中和高中英语教师. Shiokawa felt it was important to be involved with 多样性 Dialogue Day to help the youth not only identify stereotypes, 同时也帮助她们找到发声的机会, 分享他们的经历, 头脑风暴解决方案.

88年来, VCIC has continued to evolve with the changing social and political climate of the Commonwealth. 成立于1935年,位于林奇堡学院(现为林奇堡大学)校园内。, 一个多元化, 多宗教群体聚集在一起回应反犹主义, 那个时代的反天主教情绪. 当地新教, 天主教, and Jewish leaders organized to develop educational programs of communication and understanding. 这个创始组织自称为林奇堡圆桌会议, 很快,他们在弗吉尼亚各地建立了地方分会, 包括这里的诺福克市.

VCIC在促进不同信仰间的理解方面取得了长足的进步, 对种族歧视的回应, 宗教, 以及整个英联邦近90年来的种族变化. 他们为期一天的青年研讨会, 暑期教师工作坊及学生研习会, as well as middle and high school programming have become pivotal in forwarding their mission of "achieving success through inclusion." This organization realizes that constructive and inclusive dialogues don't just happen, 但是需要仔细规划, 故意设计, 以及清晰的沟通.

Dialogue 多样性 Day is hosted four times a year throughout various regions within the Commonwealth. bet8体育娱乐入口和VCIC已经合作了10多年. In fact, a fall 2022 session of 多样性 Dialogue Day was held at the ODU Peninsula Center. For more information on Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities (VCIC) and their programs, please 访问他们的网站.